Monday, 28 February 2011

Sightings 28/2/11

February summary: A quiet month with diminishing numbers of the wintering birds and only a few new species arrivals.

Wildfowl:   mostly unremarkable except for up to 4 long-staying Scaup and CVL and BL.
Herons:      Bittern at Portbury Wharf and Severn Beach were unusual.
Raptors:     Single Red Kites reported 16th-28th at Portbury, ASW, Clifton, Patchway & Bath.
Waders:     An influx of Avocet, max.12 at Clevedon on 26th, 2 at Portbury Wharf on 12th.
Gulls:          Ring-billed Gull at Chew on 19th/26th/28th. A Kumlien's Gull here on 21st and 20+ Mediterranean Gull reported in the Avon area.
Owls:           Disappointing. 3 Short-eared Owl reported at Severnside on 20th only.
Waxwing:   Up to 30 birds at various locations around Bristol.
Clifton: a flyover Red Kite late afternoon, heading towards Redland (J Madelaine).

Sea Mills:
28.2.11 Mediterranean Gull © John Martin, many thanks
a different individual from yesterday's bird

28.2.11 leucistic Black-headed Gull © John Martin, many thanks

 Present around the harbour area today: the long-staying Coot, 2 Oystercatcher, the resident Greenshank, a Common Sandpiper*, an adult Mediterranean Gull, a leucistic Black-headed Gull, 2 adult Great Black-backed Gull and a Siskin (combined reports, W Earp, J Martin).

* our only Common Sandpiper report of the month.

28.2.11 that Goldcrest again © John Sparks, many thanks

John wasn't entirely happy with yesterday's photo so he sent us in this one, taken this morning. We suspect he may have cleaned the windows overnight.

At least 2 Dipper at the California Farm-Mill stretch today (A Chard).

© Bristol Water, many thanks
An adult Ring-billed Gull present at Heron's Green Bay until 1.50pm at least (R Mielcarek). A different individual to the bird seen on 19th.

NAILSEA (garden):
Up to 6 Blackcaps (3♂, 3♀) in Roger and Jean Staples garden during the month, many thanks for the detailed log of sightings which we've recorded on Wendy. The ABR guys will have to employ a mathematician to work out the bird days.

Slimbridge WWT February 2011 summary

Very many thanks to warden Martin McGill for sending us his monthly summary of bird highlights at Slimbridge.

Wildfowl, waders and associated species:
Mute Swan: 199 birds.
Bewick’s Swan: 337 birds, some departure and 150 by 27th. 
European White-fronted Goose: 430- 480 all month, 
Greylag Goose: 309 birds down to  c219 by 20th. The 4 large estuary based birds remained to  27th at least.
Canada Goose: 300 birds down to 83 by 20th. 
Barnacle Goose: 150 birds, the flock started to visit Frampton Pools late in the month.
Shelduck: 484 birds on 20th. 
Mandarin Duck: 1 bird. 
Wigeon: 4,000 birds down to 981 on 20th and 650 by 27th. 
Gadwall: 61 birds. 
Teal: a rapid drop to 519 birds on 7th  and down to 322 on 20th.
Mallard: 594 birds on 20th. 
Pintail: 230 birds. 
Shoveler: a small increase in numbers to 65 birds with onset of spring passage. 
Pochard: 600 birds down to 379 by 20th.
Tufted Duck: dispersal locally, 700 birds down to 351 by 20th.
Moorhen:  212 birds. 
Coot: 267 birds on 7th and 271 on 20th.
Water Rail: a few birds noted.
Little Grebe:  2 birds. 
Great Crested Grebe: territorial birds at South Lake and 100 Acre.
Cormorant: 15 birds included 3-4 birds of the race sinensis.
Grey Heron:  2 birds.
Little Egret: 1 bird.

Oystercatcher: 17 birds. 
Ringed Plover: 1 bird seen 6th and 20th. 
Golden Plover:  1,000 birds on 11th, 638 on 24th,.
Lapwing: 1,161 birds on 20th, displaying by the end of the month but not on territories. 
Knot: 1 bird on 21st.
Dunlin: 2,000 birds on 5th, numbers dropped rapidly to c300 by the end of the month, 
Ruff: 13 birds. 
Snipe: only small numbers noted. 
Curlew: 180 birds. 
Black-tailed Godwit: 3 birds increasing to 5 until 20 migrant birds arrived on 20th.
Bar-tailed Godwit: 1st bird of the year on 22nd with probably the same bird on South Lake 24th
Redshank: 42 birds. 
Great Black-backed Gull: 26 birds.

Sparrowhawk:  a female bird displaying and noted daily. 
Peregrine: 1 bird.

Small birds:
Grey Wagtail: 1 bird.
Cetti’s Warbler: 3 birds.
Chaffinch: 60 birds. 
Greenfinch: 5 birds.
Siskin: 35 birds.
Linnet: 20 birds.
Yellowhammer: 1 bird on 16th.
Reed Bunting:  all noted on the sacrificial crop with 9 birds singing by late month.

Scarcer birds on site: 
Pink-footed Goose: a first winter bird all month.
Lesser Scaup:  the wintering female all month.
Greater Scaup: the two first winter males all month.
Smew: a female bird on 7th.

Bittern: at least 1 bird present. 

Marsh Harrier: a female bird seen intermittently to 9th.
Merlin: seen on a few dates, both male and female birds. 

Mediterranean Gull: 5 adult birds on 24th, singles on 26th and 27th
Glaucous Gull: 1st/2nd winter bird on 21st.

Short-eared Owl: 1 bird on 9th. 

Water Pipit: 1 bird seen on many dates but 3 birds on 21st. 

Brambling: seen in small numbers on the feeders.
Lapland Bunting:  1 bird on 16th.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Sightings 27/2/11

27.2.11 Mediterranean Gull © John Martin, many thanks

Sea Mills: an adult Mediterranean Gull with partial hood in a field near the harbour and the resident Greenshank present this morning (J Martin).

Our first Greenshank report of the month.

An adult Spoonbill arrived on site this afternoon (per slimbridgebirds). Possibly the Somerset bird (no reports of it on the Levels since 24th) managing to avoid Avon.

At Ridge Woods locality: 1 Sparrowhawk, a Kingfisher, the Dipper again and a single Redwing of note (C Porter).

The Dipper is best seen from the stone bridge at Quarry Rd.

The female type Black Redstart present again this afternoon around the beach area and houses past the lock gates (S Blackmore).

The bird has been present here on/off since January.

27.2.11 garden Goldcrest © John Sparks, many thanks
3 Brambling also of note in the garden today (J Sparks).

27.2.11 garden Sparrowhawk © Alex Rhodes, many thanks

Highlights at Clapton Moor today were a Stonechat and a flock of 86 Fieldfare (A Rhodes).

27.2.11 Avocet © Jason Williams, many thanks
2 Avocet at the Yeo Est this morning, other birds along the shore and scrub: 40 Shelduck, 12 Little Egret, 10 Grey Plover, 4 Knot, 800 Dunlin, 23 Turnstone and a Stonechat (per clevedonbirds).

Goosander, 29 in all

Marsh Tit

all photos © Gordon Youdale, many thanks
Some photos from today's Club field trip. Full report to follow in Bird News.

Brean Down 26/2/11:
yesterday's Snow Bunting © Paul Bowyer, many thanks
no sign of it today 27/2/11 so far though

Morocco February 2011

Committee member Jason Williams and some of the Clevedon twitchers have just returned from a birding trip to Morocco. Jason sent us a few pics as starters to whet the appetite, the full report to appear on his website in due course.

Hoopoe Lark

Crowned Sandgrouse

Bar-tailed Desert Lark

Crimson-winged Finch
Check out Jason's website for the full report:

Many thanks Jason.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

Sightings 26/2/11

Highlights today were  12 Avocet and a Corn Bunting at Clevedon, a Ring-billed Gull at Chew and a Snow Bunting at Brean Down.

At least 9 Mediterranean Gulls also reported, there has been an influx of these birds into Avon this month.

Generally quiet, highlights being, a Greylag Goose upriver 10am, 2 Knot, 100 Common Gull (tidal pool), 300 Starling, 3 Raven and a Siskin (per opsbirding).

SEVERNSIDE: (combined reports, J Martin, per severnsidebirds)
New Passage: 67 Shelduck, 1 Ringed Plover, 1 Knot, 160 Turnstone and 4 Common Gull.

Chittening Warth: a Kingfisher at the Stup Pill leg (Mitchells Salt Rhyne) 12.45pm.

Avm Sewage Works area: a calling Cetti's Warbler at the Hoar Gout Vosa pool.

c.800 Dunlin at the mouth of the Avon mid-day (S Hale).

At least 5 Mediterranean Gull (possibly 7) present this evening (CJ Stone)

26.2.11 Reed Bunting © Sightings Page team, many thanks
one of the finest Emberiza portraits we've ever seen

Around the pools this morning, 8 Canada Goose, 1 Little Grebe, 2 Wigeon, 3 Pochard, 8 Tufted Duck, 9 Curlew and a calling Cetti's Warbler (S Hale).

Defibrillators are to be installed at each of the 3 hides due to the excitement.

A Stonechat and a flyover Corn Bunting (heard) at the Dowlais Farm leg (H Taffs).

WOODSPRING BAY: (south of Yeo Est)
Now 12 Avocets present in the area (P Chapman, H Taffs), 8 here yesterday.

800+ Teal, 15 Ringed Plover, 5 Grey Plover, single Knot and 2 Black-tailed Godwit (per westonbirds).

Best bird here was a Snow Bunting at the fort.

Offshore sightings: noteworthy gull passage of 1,100 Lesser Black-backed Gull and 2,000 Herring Gull 8.30am-10am (per westonbirds).

Not throbbing, 1 Canada Goose, 8 Gadwall, 31 Teal, 40 Cormorant, 9 Goldeneye and 2 Great Black-backed Gull (CJ Stone).

The 4 Scaup still present on the water but scattered (per BL birds).

Nunnery: an adult Ring-billed Gull and 4 Mediterranean Gull off the point late afternoon. The Ring-billed is possibly the same bird seen at Herriott's on 19th.

Waxwing invasion 2010/2011 winter
Next month we'll post a ground-breaking article which will summarise the recent Waxwing invasion in and around Bristol. It's called 'The Waxwing Invasion 2010/2011' and includes photos of Waxwings.

We'll post it on 1 March. Younger club members who are still working or at school may wish to take the day off in order to grab an early viewing.

We have warned internet providers of potentially heavy traffic for that day.

Bristol 24/2/11:
Late report of 31 Waxwings at Kenmore Drive in Southmead on Thursday.

Friday, 25 February 2011

Sightings 25/2/11

25.2.11 Mediterranean Gull © JS Lees, many thanks.
The bright red bill is a surprisingly good field mark, even at range

5 Mediterranean Gulls around the reserve today (per slimbridgebirds).


25.2.11 Corn Bunting © Wilf King, many thanks
Marshfield is the stronghold for this species in Avon

Single Buzzard, 7 Skylark, 60 Fieldfare, 40 Yellowhammer and 6 Corn Bunting before rain stopped play (W King).

On the pools: 6 Greylag Goose, 30 Canada Goose and 3 Mandarin Duck, 2♂, 1♀ (RF Reader).

85 Wigeon, 48 Teal, 161 Dunlin, 65 Curlew, 36 Redshank, 86 Common Gull and a ♀ Stonechat at Lagoon 3 (A Middleton).

New Passage: 72 Shelduck, 40 Wigeon, 17 Oystercatcher, 45 Dunlin, 1 Black-tailed Godwit, 11 Redshank and 115+ Turnstone.

Severn Beach: a female Blackcap in one of the gardens.

Chittening Warth: 36 Oystercatcher, single Golden Plover and 2 Great Black-backed Gull at the Stup Pill section (per severnsidebirds).

3 Purple Sandpipers at Battery Pt today (J Thorogood).

8 Avocet at the mouth of the Yeo Est today (H Taffs). Possibly, breakaway birds from the Parrett Est flock.

Goa (India):
Paul Bowyer's trip photos now posted to his website at

Thursday, 24 February 2011

Sightings 24/2/11

City centre: a party of 12 Waxwing at College Green 1.40pm (E Shaw), our first report since 13 February.

24.2.11 Dipper on the river Frome © Darren Pearce, many thanks

Ridge Woods: a Dipper found on the river Frome today, 100th species patch tick (D Pearce).

Aust Warth: 48 Oystercatcher.

New Passage: 66 Shelduck, 110 Wigeon, single Knot, 55 Dunlin, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit, 28 Curlew, 86 Redshank, 38 Turnstone and 3 Common Gull (per severnsidebirds).

24.2.11 Black-tailed Godwit © Chris Stone, many thanks
105 Shelduck, a Sparrowhawk, 22 Ringed Plover, 1,000 Dunlin, single Black-tailed Godwit and 6 Rock Pipit (CJ Stone).

12 Gadwall, 14 Tufted Duck and a Siskin of note (CJ Stone).

CHEW VALLEY LAKE: (new birds in today)
Herriott's: an adult female Scaup

Villice: 1 Curlew (R Mielcarek).

1,000 Teal, 20 Ringed Plover, a Sanderling, 100 Dunlin and 2 Black-tailed Godwit (per westonbirds).

An adult Mediterranean Gull on the UV pools this afternoon (per westonbirds).

Shapwick Heath: a Spoonbill reported on Noah's pool mid-day (per SOS).


24.2.11 © Allan Chard, many thanks
Near Nags Head today to remind us that spring is not too far away

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Sightings 23/2/11

Ridge Woods: Single Sparrowhawk and Buzzard, 1 Kingfisher, a Green Woodpecker, 2 Grey Wagtail, 2 Coal Tit, 2 Siskin and a Bullfinch (D Pearce).

If you want to see men behaving sadly, check out Darren's blog at and all for a funny looking Woodpigeon!

WENGEN (Switzerland):
23.2.11 Alpine Chough

23.2.11 Alpine Accentor
both photos © Alex Rhodes, many thanks 

The power of the internet.

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Sightings 22/2/11

Lawrence Weston: a Water Rail in ditch along Lawrence Weston Rd, near St Bede's school and allotments (S George).

Kingsgate Park pools: 2 Wigeon, 2 Gadwall and a ♂ Shoveler.

On the Common: 4 Jack Snipe, 1 Snipe, single Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Jay, 2 Siskin, a Bullfinch and 2 Reed Bunting (D Pearce).

Aust Warth: 1 Stonechat still on show.

Northwick Warth: 36 Shelduck, 52 Wigeon, 25 Teal, single Little Egret, 2 Merlin (pair), 500 Dunlin, 1 Snipe and 19 Redshank.

Chittening Warth: Not much over the tide except for 3 Mute Swan and a Grey Plover.

Avonmouth Sewage Works: 18 Gadwall, 22 Teal, 11 Tufted Duck, 3 Pochard and a Shoveler on the Vosa-square pools (per severnsidebirds).

1 Brent Goose, 17 Golden Plover (N),1 Knot, single Sanderling, 35 Dunlin, 2 Black-tailed Godwit and 3 Bar-tailed Godwit (per westonbirds).

11 Canada Goose, 5 Wigeon and 9 Goldeneye (CJ Stone).

Heron's Green Bay: 1 Little Egret.

Stratford: a 1st winter ♂ Scaup (J Martin).

Singles of Great Spotted Woodpecker, Marsh Tit and Nuthatch of note (J Martin).

The Black-necked Grebe and the Red-crested Pochard pair still present this morning (R&J Staples).

Monday, 21 February 2011

Switzerland February 2011 Alex Rhodes

Half-term holidays so we have received a couple of pics from Alex 'on the road' on his tour around Europe with the parents. These were taken near somewhere beyond Lake Geneva yesterday Sunday 20 February.
20.2.11 Nutcracker © Alex Rhodes, many thanks
2 birds so far....

20.2.11 Snow Finch © Alex Rhodes, many thanks
14 birds seen so far...

Also seen c.150 Alpine Chough! We hope to receive further news later on.

Sightings 21/2/11

Please note that Western Power Distribution are carrying out essential maintenance work near the Portbury Wharf pools for the next 2 weeks. There is still access down to the seawall and hides but inevitably there will be some disturbance.

A couple of unusual Gulls into our area today, a Glaucous Gull at Slimbridge and a Kumlien's Gull at Chew.

Mediterranean Gulls also seem to be on the up, we have had about 7 birds in the last few days, not counting anything from Chew.

Sea Mills: an adult Mediterranean Gull seen this morning at the harbour area, summer hood beginning to form (J Martin)

An immature Glaucous Gull seen on site this morning before flying off north (per slimbridgebirds).

Aust Warth:
21.2.11 Stonechat

21.2.11 Kestrel

21.2.11 1 of 2 Merlin present this morning
all photos © Allan Chard, many thanks

Unfortunately, there were no reports of any Owls despite the full tide.

New Passage: a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull present (per severnsidebirds).

Shoreline only: 9 Canada Goose, 42 Shelduck, 67 Wigeon, 163 Teal, 26 Mallard, 66 Curlew, 176 Redshank, 33 Black-headed Gull, 1 Lesser black-backed Gull, 22 Herring Gull and 10 large Gulls (S Hale).

21.2.11 Turnstone on the beach

21.2.11 1 of 5 Purple Sandpipers on the rocks 

A Kumlien's Gull found at at Stratford Bay 2pm and present until 5pm at least when it went off to roost (AHD per BWG). Only about 6 previous records of this offshoot of Iceland Gull.

Leigh Woods 20/2/11:
Treecreeper © John Sparks, many thanks
A very confiding bird into the garden, John was able to photograph the bird down to 3ft. 

Health & Safety: Older club members who may suffer from neck-ache or any other associated illness may wish to open up this photo in Microsoft Picture Manager and rotate it through 90° to the right in order to avoid any spinal discomfort.

Further to our Goa/Indian sub-continent birding theme, members may care to check out John's website and  account of his recent trip to India in December 2010 at:

Claverton Down 19/2/11:
2 Stonechat present (D French).

Slimbridge WWT 17/2/11:

© Geoff Harris, many thanks
We thought we'd post a couple of very common species which always seem to appear in our monthly Bird News as 'unsung heroes' or 'also recorded'. 

So, Jack and Jenny....enjoy your time in the sun!

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Sightings 20/2/11

Some good birds reported today, 7 Mediterranean Gulls, 3 Short-eared Owls, a Black Redstart and a Firecrest.

Ashton Vale:
20.2.11 Black Redstart in a garden © Phil Stanley, many thanks



20.2.11 Bullfinch. Birds in Allan's garden today
all photos © Allan Chard, many thanks

Aust Warth:

20.2.11 Short-eared Owls © Paul Bowerman, many thanks
3 Short-eared Owl flushed out by the huge tide this morning. There is another big tide tomorrow morning so a repeat performance is a distinct possibility.

New Passage: 2 Mediterranean Gull (ad summer + a 2nd winter) with the Black-headed Gulls mid-day (per severnsidebirds).

500 Dunlin at mouth of the Avon late morning of note (S Hale) and later 3 Mediterranean Gull (CJ Stone).

Shore count at high tide: 25 Shelduck, 200 Wigeon, 20 Teal, 10 Mallard, 10 Shoveler, 150 Redshank, 30 Meadow Pipit and 10 Reed Bunting (R Hawley).

A Firecrest flitting around the bushes along wharf lane 10.15am this morning, 30yds down track near the barns past the purple gate (S Hale).

Shoreline count: 2 mute Swan, 7 Canada Goose, 60 Shelduck, 80 Wigeon, 15 Teal, 10 Mallard, 21 Oystercatcher, single Golden Plover, 45 Lapwing, 1 Knot, 600 Dunlin, c.50 Curlew, 1 Spotted Redshank, 100 Redshank, 3 Turnstone, 2 adult Mediterranean Gull,  550 Black-headed Gull, 8+ Herring Gull, just 2 Skylark, a Rock Pipit, 1 Stonechat and 10 Linnet (combined reports, HE Rose, H Taffs).

Plenty of stuff in the garden today, of note: 6 Blackbird, 2 Song Thrush, 2 Coal Tit, 3 Brambling, Siskins and 4 Greenfinch. Overhead, 7 Buzzard and a Raven (T Jeal).

20.2.11 garden Siskins 'through the window' © John Sparks, many thanks

Goa, India February 2011

Club member Paul Bowyer has just returned from a birding trip to Goa and sent us some pictures. Full report can be seen on Paul's website in due course.

Red-wattled Lapwing

Stork-billed Kingfisher

Indian Roller

Golden Oriole

Black-shouldered Kite

Many thanks Paul, much appreciated. 

All photos © Paul Bowyer.
Check out the full report at

Saturday, 19 February 2011

BOC Cornwall Trip Feb 2011

Some pictures to whet your appetite of our recent club field trip to Cornwall. Full report to appear in our Bird News in due course. All photos © Geoff Harris.

11.2.11 Ring-necked Duck, Gwithian pools

11.2.11 female Scaup, Gwithian pools

12.2.11 Grey Plover, Sennen Cove

12.2.11 Bittern, Marazion reed-bed

13.2.11 Whooper Swan, Drift Reservoir

13.2.11 Black Redstart, Marazion beach

Many thanks Geoff, much appreciated