photo: Ben Ofield, many thanks
15 Waxwings in a tree at Siston Hill estate today 4.45pm, later flew towards Kingswood. Record shot by Ben on camera phone.
No other reports of Waxwings around Bristol today.
2 Blackcap (pair) and 2 Coal Tit of note in the garden today (W King).
At the main site, 42 Wigeon, 130 Teal, 290 Lapwing and 400 Dunlin.
Upriver near Windbound pub, 2 Water Pipit, 2 Rock Pipit and a staggering 40+ Yellowhammer (A Middleton).
Yellowhammers anywhere on the Avon coast are uncommon, to get a flock like this is truly exceptional.
Aust Warth: A female Merlin at 5pm this evening and 2 Short-eared Owls seen later briefly into dusk.
Northwick Warth: A male Merlin this morning. Similar waders on show today: 35 Oystercatcher, 80 Lapwing, single Knot, 5 Bar-tailed Godwit, 60 Curlew and 20 Redshank.
Avonmouth Sewage Works: On the square pool, 33 Gadwall, 15 Teal, 12 Shoveler, 8 Pochard and 52 Tufted Duck (all per severnsidebirds)
31.1.11 Little Owl at home
31.1.11 garden Brambling this morning (though window)
photo: John Sparks, many thanks
Blackcap regular in the garden at Friendship Rd all month. Up to 3 birds from 10th onwards but 4 birds (3 males) on 28th (R&J Staples).
A Tawny Owl calling at top of Widcombe Hill early this morning (D French)
14 Pink-footed Goose in fields at Wall Common, present to 2pm at least (per SOS).
Portishead 30/1/11:
Blackcap regular in the garden at Friendship Rd all month. Up to 3 birds from 10th onwards but 4 birds (3 males) on 28th (R&J Staples).
A Tawny Owl calling at top of Widcombe Hill early this morning (D French)
14 Pink-footed Goose in fields at Wall Common, present to 2pm at least (per SOS).
Portishead 30/1/11:
A Black Redstart around the marina pier (S Hughes-Games). Presumably the female bird first seen here on 2 January and again on 8th.
A male bird was also present nearby, 1 day only on 2 January on the Ashlands housing estate.
Members Photos:
Male and female Blackcap, regular in the Portishead garden, sent in by Pete Evans.
A male bird was also present nearby, 1 day only on 2 January on the Ashlands housing estate.
Members Photos:
Male and female Blackcap, regular in the Portishead garden, sent in by Pete Evans.